Most Popular Questions.
No, unless you are exiting Singapore waters and heading overseas.
不需要, 除非航海出国, 否则您需要携带护照。
Generally, no smoking is allowed on board our pleasure crafts, but exemptions can be made if agreed by the captain or crew at certain designated areas.
Singapore is a tropical weather country, drizzles and showers are common and typically subsides after awhile, the rain is also likely smaller at the islands where the yacht usually anchors. As such, under most circumstances the charter will still proceed. Even if there is rain, please proceed to the meeting point as per normal and wait for directions from the captain. The onerous lies on the captain on the day itself to decide whether it is too dangerous to proceed(usually they will just delay the charter for a bit if too heavy rain). In the worst case scenario, we will arrange for a mutually agreeable date for postponement. However, no refunds or reimbursement of charter fees or F&B will be provided.
Yes, there will be a captain and at least 1 crew to nagivate the boat and ensure your safety during your charter. Unless of course your booking is made specifically on a self driving charter.
1. Sea sick pills must be taken 30-60mins before boarding the yacht, for its effectiveness.
2. Comfortable and casual attire is recommended and no shoes or socks is allowed on board due to safety reasons.
– 舒适的衣服和鞋子。(除非有主题),登船前必须脱掉所有鞋子。
3. Sunblock, sunscreen, sunglasses, sunhats and any other items if you are afraid of tanning under the intense Singapore Sun. All our yachts will also have ample space and shelter for you to hide from the sun.
– 防晒用具。如果您怕晒伤,请佩戴防晒霜、太阳镜和遮阳帽。然而,大多数游艇都有很大的室内区域,您在出海过程中也可以得到遮护。
4. Insect repellent if you are looking to explore the Southern Islands.
– 驱虫剂。如果您想探索天然岛屿,请携带驱虫剂或驱蚊剂。
5. Swimming attire and a change of clothes if you are looking to paddleboard, kayak or part take in any water activities.
– 游泳衣。如果您计划去游泳或参加皮划艇、水上摩托艇和花车等水上活动,请穿着泳衣、比基尼、毛巾、肥皂和换洗衣服。
6. Most of our yachts are equiped with an excellent Hifi system which you can connect your favorite playlists to using USB, Bluetooth or audio cables.
– 我们的游艇上通常有一个良好的音响系统,您可以使用 USB 电缆或蓝牙插入您的移动设备。
7. Most importantly, bring along an awesome smile and be ready to have some fun!
– 最重要的是!带上一个伟大的个性,准备好玩得开心!
We have a professional and creative decoration team that can create a memorable birthday, anniversary or proposal set up to your customisation or preference. But if you intend to do your own, please note that typically you will only 30-45mins of time to setup before the boat departure. Please also note that no confetti and balloons are allowed for decoration on the yachts at One15 Marina, Sentosa Cove.
对于生日派对、单身/单身之夜、婴儿满月或周年纪念日,我们会提供标准化配套,可满足您的大部分需求。如果您想自己装饰,装饰时间通常限制在租船前 30-45 分钟。如果有你有特别活动,请告诉我们,我们很乐意帮助你安排。
Under most circumstances, you should still have both data and caller connection at the southern islands that we sail to. However, it really depends on the telco your use for the actual connectivity on the day itself.
Full payment of must be received and the yacht to confirm availability before a charter is confirmed. Strictly no refunds after payment is made and any concessions will be granted at the discretion of the yacht owners.
Yes, you may bring your own F&B onto the yacht at no cost, most yachts also do not charge a corkage fee for that.
No, we have clients who are a few weeks old and others who are over their 80s, but all of them can still enjoy a day out at sea nonetheless!:) Do note that the fees charged is the same regardless of age and gender.
It is generally safer to go on a private yacht charter as opposed to the supermarket or the hawker centres, reason being that you will most likely have the entire yacht to yourself apart from the captain and crew on board which will ensure your safety and comfort throughout the trip. Our yachts are also cleaned after every charter and will strictly adhere to the Safe Management Measure set out by the authorities.
Read our Terms and conditions for the latest COVID19 SAFE MANAGEMENT MEASURES ensured on board.
Yes, most of our yachts are equipped with shower and cleaning facilities onboard.
We highly recommend that you stay off red wine on board a charter due to the high probability of spillage while cruising. Red wine in particular can stain the white surface of the yacht and a hefty cleaning fee may be imposed by the yacht owner on you, as such though some yachts may allow the consumption of red wine on board, we highly recommend that you pick another type of alcohol beverage for the trip.